Putting it Together

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With Studio, you can now make an ecard in a few simple steps:

  • Sign in to Studio with your account.
  • Go to "My Cards" tab and choose the way you want to upload your ecard.

Easy Upload[edit]

This upload interface is easy, fast and hassle free - only asks for the basic card elements (ecard, music file, title, description and category)

Follow these steps to upload your ecard through ‘Easy Upload’ interface :

  1. Browse the card file that you want to upload. Do check for the supported card types
  2. In case your ecard is a postcard or an animated card you may attach a music file to it. Browse the music file that you want to upload.
  3. Put a relevant card title. For example: "A Big Scare to a Friend" can be a suitable title for an ecard that will be in Halloween : Happy Halloween category.
  4. Add a key word rich card description so that people find your ecard in their search.
  5. Look for the Event or Category that you're placing your ecard in. Be as specific as you can.


  • If you opt not to submit your eacrd for listing and save it as draft click on the Save as Draft button.
  • Click on the Submit for Listing button to get your ecard listed on the site.

Once you upload your ecard (in Step# 1) the Icon and Thumb file, permalink of your ecard is auto-generated by the system. The default [background] and font color of your ecard remains as white and black respectively. If you save your ecard as draft, all these elements can be further customized in the 'Edit a Card' interface.

Advanced Upload[edit]

This upload interface lets you customize all the card elements in details. Here are the steps:

  1. Look for the Event or Category that you're placing your ecard. Be as specific as you can.
  2. Put a relevant card title. For example: "A Big Scare to a Friend" can be a suitable title for an ecard that will be in Halloween : Happy Halloween category.
  3. Add a key word rich card description so that people find your ecard in their search.
  4. Use relevant keywords for card tags. Use commas to add multiple tags. The more relevant, the better.
  5. Choose a font color that will be used to display the custom user messages. The font color should match your ecard color scheme.
  6. You may set the permalink of your card! While suggesting a permalink try to keep relevant keywords so that it becomes search friendly.
  7. Choose a relevant ecard type.
  8. Browse the card file that you want to upload.
  9. In case your ecard is a postcard or an animated card you may attach a music file to it. Browse the music file that you want to upload. Music is optional.
  10. Browse for the background file of your ecard.
  11. Browse for the icon file of your ecard.
  12. Browse for the thumb file of your ecard.
  13. Click on the submit button to get your ecard listed on the site.