Putting it Together
From Studio Knowledge Base
With Studio, you can now make an ecard in a few simple steps:
- Sign in to Studio with your account.
- Go to "My Cards" tab and choose the way you want to upload your ecard.
Easy Upload
This upload interface is easy, fast and hassle free - only asks for the basic card elements (ecard, music file, title, description and category)
Follow these steps to upload your ecard through ‘Easy Upload’ interface:
- Browse the card file that you want to upload. Do check for the supported card types
- In case your ecard is a postcard or an animated card you may attach a [[Music|music file] to it. Browse the music file that you want to upload.
- Put a relevant card title. For example: "A Big Scare to a Friend" can be a suitable title for an ecard that will be in Halloween : Happy Halloween category.
- Add a key word rich card description so that people find your ecard in their search.
- Look for the Event or Category that you're placing your ecard in. Be as specific as you can.
- If you opt not to submit your eacrd for listing and save it as draft click on the Save as Draft button.
- Click on the Submit for Listing button to get your ecard listed on the site.
Once you upload your ecard (in Step# 1) the Icon and Thumb file, permalink of your ecard is auto-generated by the system. The default [background] and font color of your ecard remains as white and black respectively. If you save your ecard as draft, all these elements can be further customized in the 'Edit a Card' interface.
Advanced Upload
This upload interface lets you customize all the card elements in details. Here are the steps:
- Look for the Event or Category that you're placing your ecard. Be as specific as you can.
- Put a relevant card title. For example: "A Big Scare to a Friend" can be a suitable title for an ecard that will be in Halloween : Happy Halloween category.
- Add a key word rich card description so that people find your ecard in their search.
- Use relevant keywords for card tags. Use commas to add multiple tags. The more relevant, the better.
- Choose a font color that will be used to display the custom user messages. The font color should match your ecard color scheme.
- You may set the permalink of your card! While suggesting a permalink try to keep relevant keywords so that it becomes search friendly.
- Choose a relevant ecard type.
- Browse the card file that you want to upload.
- In case your ecard is a postcard or an animated card you may attach a file to it. Browse the music file that you want to upload. Music is optional.
- Browse for the background file of your ecard.
- Browse for the icon file of your ecard.
- Browse for the thumb file of your ecard.
- Click on the submit button to get your ecard listed on the site.