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All Card Types can be of the following dimensions –

Width x Height (in pixels)
550 x 400
525 x 400
500 x 400
475 x 400
450 x 400
550 x 375
525 x 375
500 x 375
475 x 375
450 x 375
550 x 350
525 x 350
500 x 350
475 x 350
450 x 350
550 x 325
525 x 325
500 x 325
475 x 325
450 x 325
550 x 300
525 x 300
500 x 300
475 x 300
450 x 300

Additionally, Postcard & Animated Cards can be of the following dimensions –

Width x Height (in pixels)
350 x 475
400 x 500
425 x 400